May-June, 2012 Power Production | Print |
Written by Administrator   
Saturday, 30 June 2012 20:05

Missed entering the May data so here's a two-month report.

june12We generated 749 kWhrs from our array in May and June. That puts us at 2,340 kWhrs of PV-generated power for half of 2012. Our goal is to always generate 4,000+ annually, so we are a bit ahead of schedule (usually, we end up around 4,200 kWhrs each year).

No hickups, burps or other 'issues' with the system - some would label it 'boring,' but I'll just label it 'dependable.'

We had a fine visit from a Cincinnati family. They too have a solar house, inspired in part by our efforts. It's always rewarding to see the pride on the faces of visitors who know the value of solar.

Last Updated on Saturday, 30 June 2012 20:35