March, 2012 Power Production | Print |
Written by Administrator   
Sunday, 01 April 2012 15:25

march12We're (hopefully) on our way to a record-breaking year!

The March PV electricial production numbers were outstanding - 440 kWhrs. When I look at this first quarter, the total is inspiring - 1,116 kWhrs which puts us well on the way to a 4,000+ kWhr year. I've learned not to predict, but just the same,  it's hard not to anticipate a strong year.

episcopalWe enjoyed the visit of two episcopal monks and an administrator to our home in March. They are interested in adding photovoltaics to one of their properties in the future.

Planning for the reduction in the consumption of fossil fuel energy is certainly what motivated us to 'go solar.' It was the right decision some 18 years ago and is validated every  day the sun provides most or all of our electricity and heat.

Take our poll and share with us why you haven't taken the plunge. No criticism - just interested...because it took us many years to answer that challenge.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 04 September 2012 12:48