February, 2012 Power Production | Print |
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 07 March 2012 13:46

feb12Another bright, bright month - so bright we've started wearing sunglasses inside the house (don't believe it). But the numbers don't lie - PV output for February, 2012 was 355 kWhrs.

I can't remember a sunnier/warmer winter. For a state that requires mucho oil to heat poorly insulated homes, it's a Godsend.

Yes, we had a 10 inch snowfall in early March, but it's nearly gone now and temperatures push toward 60 this week.

The bluebirds are here, the robins, cardinals, a pair of red-tailed hawks, etc. Spring in just over the horizon.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 07 March 2012 14:02